Seven $500 shopping sprees up for grabs in at Grimsby’s downtown merchants

downtown grimsby ontario Downtown Grimsby Ontario a town in the heart of Niagara Region

Grimsby’s Downtown Improvement Association is working to boost the local economy by offering seven $500 shopping sprees to local shoppers.

From Aug. 20 to Oct. 1, names will be drawn weekly and winners will receive a $500 gift certificate that can be used at a DIA member business of their choice. The certificate can be used at one business or split between as many as three businesses. The promotion runs for eight weeks and is offering seven $500 prizes.

To be eligible, entrants must spend $25 or more at participating businesses in the downtown Grimsby area. The businesses then submit qualifying customer information each week. Alternatively, giveaway hopefuls can email a photo of their receipts of $25 or more with their contact information to: [email protected] to be entered. After each week, contact information will be deleted and will not be used in subsequent draws.

The promotion is part of an initiative designed to help boost the local economy. The promotion comes on the heels of The Big Spend, a national one-day promotion designed to spur local economies.

“At our DIA board meeting last week, the consensus among business owners was the need to spread business out over more days of the week both to allow for better service and to ease any concerns customers may have with larger gatherings,” said DIA president Mike Williscraft on the association’s website at “With the shopping spree program running eight weeks for seven draws and people visiting downtown any day of the week to be eligible, that is a best-case scenario for us.”

The program also connects to the Canada United program, a “Shop Canadian. Shop Local.” themed event sponsored by Royal Bank of Canada and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

The Grimsby DIA is also encouraging people to support @GoCanadaUnited on social media and use #CanadaUnited on Twitter. For each hashtag used, RBC will donate five cents, and up to $2 million, to the Canadian Small Business Relief Fund, which provides grants to small businesses to help cover COVID-19 related expenses, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), renovations to accommodate re-opening guidelines and developing or improving e-commerce capabilities.

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