Mischief Investigation – Multiple Car Tires Cut in Fort Erie

On April 5th, 2022, Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS), 5 District (Fort Erie) uniform patrol officers responded to numerous reports of parked vehicles having been damaged in the area of Jarvis Street and Central Avenue, in the town of Fort Erie.

Investigation revealed that during the overnight hours of April 4th, 2022, nine vehicles had been damaged and twenty tires had been intentionally cut/punctured with an unknown object.

The tire slashing suspect is described as follows:

–          Male

–          White

–          Short

–          Slender

–          Wearing a baseball hat

–          Wearing a dark hoody with a black and white stripe on the shoulder

–          Wearing Nike running shoes

5 District detectives have assumed carriage of the investigation and are requesting residents and businesses is the east end of Fort Erie review their closed-circuit security cameras, doorbell video cameras, and vehicle dash cameras for suspicious activity.  Anyone with footage they believe to be of assistance is asked to contact 905-688-4111, extension #1022300.

Members of the public who wish to provide information anonymously can contact Crime Stoppers of Niagara online or by calling 1-800-222-8477.  Crime Stoppers offers cash rewards to persons who contact the program with information that leads to an arrest.

Any member of the public who has had their vehicle damaged and has not yet reported the offence is encouraged to do so.  In addition to contacting our Communications Unit at 905-688-4111, members of the public may wish to utilize our on-line reporting option by visiting our website at: www.niagarapolice.ca

Incident #22-34450