Niagara Region Public Health releases online COVID-19 health survey

online survey The Niagara Region Public Health released an online COVID-19 health survey

The Niagara Region Public Health released the first of two online COVID-19 health surveys today to provide information to the region to help advise ongoing response plans, programs, and services.

The survey is the first in a series of community check-ins conducted by the Niagara Region Public Health (NRPH).

“The reason for this ‘Niagara Region Public Health (NRPH) Community Health Survey I’ is to provide a snapshot of the health and well-being of Niagara residents, approximately eight months after COVID-19 was declared a public health emergency in Ontario,” the survey introduction explains.

NRPH hopes that information from this survey will give it a better understanding of how COVID-19 has impacted Niagara residents, as well as assess the needs, knowledge, understanding, and behaviours of residents during the pandemic.

The survey can be found online on the Niagara Region website. All residents that participate have a chance to win a Walmart gift card.

The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes. There is an option to answer additional questions about your child or children if you are a parent or guardian.

The results of this survey will inform ways to improve Niagara Region Public Health’s programs and services in response to the changing needs of Niagara residents during this time.

Another survey will be sent in a future phase to look at changes in the health and well-being of Niagara residents. The current survey asks questions about:

● Physical activity, eating and behaviours
● Mental health and well-being
● Community safety
● Healthcare services use
● Access to public health information

To take the survey, click here.
