NRPS Fort Erie Winter Clothing Campaign a Success

In December of 2021, members of the 5 District Fort Erie office of the Niagara Regional Police Service began a campaign seeking public donations of new winter hats, scarves, and mittens.  The donated items were to be distributed to those in need.

The 5 District office began receiving donated items almost immediately after publicizing the campaign. The generosity shown by the public was overwhelming, with items being dropped off by residents as far away as Grimsby. The campaign received hand-made knitted items, newly purchased items, and items donated by local businesses.

5 District officers began to re-distribute the large number of donated items. Several residents in and around Fort Erie received items. Packages of winter hats, scarves, and mittens were also created and placed in uniform cruisers in Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, and Welland, to be handed out to individuals in need.  Several community agencies and organizations also received these donated items, such as Gilmore Lodge, Matthew House, Bridges Community Centre, and the Niagara Reach Bus.

The Niagara Regional Police would like to thank the public who donated these items. The incredible outpouring of generosity certainly assisted our fellow members of the public through the winter months.