Pelham is accepting applications for four town committees

Pelham Committee Pelham is accepting applications to join four town committees.

The Town of Pelham wants your help on four of its volunteer committees.

It is accepting applications for the following committees: Committee of Adjustment, Summerfest Committee, Public Art Committee, and Heritage Committee. The deadline to apply is Oct. 19.

Each term for these positions will end Nov. 15, 2022, or until a successor is appointed to replace the role.

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment consists of five residents that consider applications for minor variances to zoning by-law regulations and applications for consent (for owners to sell, convey, or transfer interest of a part of their land) under the Planning Act. The committee meets on a monthly basis – see the schedule.

More information can be found on the Committee of Adjustment webpage.

Summerfest Committee

The Summerfest Committee consists of up to nine people that work together to build strong communities and cultural assets. Some of the goals the committee would like to achieve include creating a home-town festival to celebrate Pelham, engaging with different sectors of the community, assisting in the creation of an annual budget, and more.  

Members are expected to attend meetings when possible. Any member that has missed more than three consecutive meetings without reasonable cause, will be deemed to have resigned and will be replaced.

More information can be found in the Summerfest Committee terms of reference PDF.

Public Art Advisory Committee

The Public Art Advisory Committee consists of seven residents living in Pelham or owns a business in the town, particularly those who have art-related interests such as visual art, art education, urban design, and more.

The purpose of the committee is to provide advice to council on matters related to public art in relation to the Pelham Public Art Master Plan.

The committee meets monthly and at the call of the chair. Meeting dates and times can be found on the town’s website calendar.

More information can be found in the Public Arts Advisory Committee terms of reference PDF.

Heritage Committee

The Heritage Committee consists of five members of the community and one member of council who has knowledge or expertise related to conservation and/or restoration of cultural heritage structures and landscapes or is in a related profession.

The purpose of the committee is to provide advice to the council on cultural heritage matters.

Meetings are scheduled for a minimum of quarterly and to a maximum of once per month. Any member that has missed more than three consecutive meetings without reasonable cause, will be deemed to have resigned and will be replaced.

Meeting dates will be posted on the town website.

More information can be found in the Hertiage Committee terms of reference PDF.

Learn more:

General info on Pelham town committees and meeting times can be found on the Town of Pelham website.
