Lincoln Ontario weather forecast

Here is the current forecast for weather in Lincoln, Ontario today in the Niagara Region.

It includes the 5-day forecast and other current weather data for the area.

See also: Beamsville weather, Jordan Station weather, Vineland weather

For more weather forecasts for Niagara Region communities, click here.

Lincoln Ontario Weather Averages

Here are the average temperatures for Lincoln Ontario. The data includes average Lincoln weather measurements, including highs and lows for each month of the year. Also includes rain or snow days per month.

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MonthHighLow Rain/Snow days per month
January0 C-7 C12 days
February1 C-6 C7 days
March6 C-2 C9 days
April13 C3 C9 days
May19 C9 C9 days
June25 C15 C8 days
July27 C18 C8 days
August27 C17 C7 days
September23 C14 C8 days
October16 C8 C8 days
November9 C2 C9 days
December3 C-3 C10 days
Lincoln Ontario weather averages. Source: NOAA