Union Jack Fish & Chips in Grimsby

Union Jack Fish & Chips in Grimsby
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Short Business Description
Union Jack Fish & Chips is a food establishment in Grimsby, Ontario.
Long Business Description

Union Jack Fish & Chips is a small food chain with a location in Grimsby, Ontario. It serves a variety of fish, along with hand-cut fries, and has been doing so since 2008.

Business Hours

Sun - Mon: Closed
Tues - Wed and Sat: 3 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Thurs - Fri: 11:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(905) 309-1616
Business Tags
Business Address
70 Livingston Ave Unit 2A, Grimsby, ON L3M 1K9
ZIP Code
L3M 1K9


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