Grimsby vying to be Carolinian tree capital of Canada

Coun. Lianne Vardy with Carolinian Tree Moosa Imran, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The push is on to see Grimsby become the Carolinian tree capital of Canada.

At its Feb. 1 meeting, council carried a motion to strive for the honour. Put forward by Ward 2 Coun. Lianne Vardy, the motion called for an “ambitious” planting of Carolinian trees to supplement the ones already existing in town. This planting plan would make Carolinian tree species part of site plan requirements.

The motion also called for a “reasonable and robust budget” to support the effort.

It received a unanimous vote of approval at a committee of the whole meeting.

According to Vardy, the idea to become the Carolinian capital was presented to her during a phone call from a resident. After learning more about the environmental impact of planting the trees, Vardy said it was a great way to capitalize on something that was already naturally occurring in the area.

“Grimsby is such a great little town,” Vardy said. “I personally feel like I’m living in a park. I look out and I just see trees everywhere. It’s really lovely.”

She said Grimsby residents are typically very appreciative of the environment.

“I think the entire municipality could benefit, and we have the means, and it’s something that we’re doing already. So, all this motion is really doing is focusing out effort.” Vardy said. She said she hopes planting more Carolinian trees and developing Carolinian trails will bring in more tourists and putting information plaques on the trees will educate future generations.

Vardy says that of the Carolinian tree species, she’s most curious about the fruit-bearing Pawpaw tree. Supposedly, the fruit from the tree does not travel well, thus it is meant to be eating right off the tree.

“I hear it tastes somewhere between a mango and banana, and I just can’t wait to plant one on my lawn,” she said.