Lincoln resumes water meter replacement program

The town of Lincoln’s Water Meter Replacement Program will continue on July 13, 2020, town officials have announced.

The program, which aims to modernize water meters in Lincoln, is mandatory. If residents do not comply with the installation, they will be charged an additional $105 fee per quarter.

The program was set in motion in 2017 after a water meter assessment determined that almost 88 per cent of water meters needed to be replaced.

In April 2019, the town chose Neptune Technology Group to replace the meters with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology and began installation in August 2019.

The town says AMI technology is being installed because it offers:

  • Improved accuracy
  • Remote reading available, which will aid in customer service concerns
  • Makes multiple/daily reads possible
  • Helps monitor water usage quickly and effectively. The city and homeowners are able to monitor and identify abnormalities in water usage
  • Improved data collection/retention – supports water conservation efforts

Homeowners and tenants can expect to be contacted abut the program in July.

Landlords will be contacted, and the information will need to be relayed to tenants. If tenants receive information directly, it must be passed on to the landlord.

Homeowners will need to provide town officials or contractors access to their property to replace the meters. Or tenants will need to do so on the date and time provided by their landlord.

Installation zones in Lincoln can be viewed via the following map (PDF): Download

More info on the program is available on the site
