Ontario is investing over $500K to help veterans find new jobs

Skilled trades Ontario government investing $511,100 to connects veterans to employers in the construction industry.

The Ontario government is investing $511,100 to help veterans and reservists find jobs in the construction industry.

The job-matching program, called the Pathways to Post-Military Employment, aims to assist veterans and reservists find work and transition back into civilian life.

“Today, many veterans are struggling as they leave active service…Now is the time to help them train for new well-paying and rewarding second careers and give them a chance to contribute to Ontario’s economic recovery,” said Ontario Premier Doug Ford.

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The program is administered through the non-profit organization Helmets to Hardhats Canada. It connects veterans and reservists to employers and allows them to use their skills and experience to secure jobs in skilled trades, management, administration, planning, scheduling, logistics, security, engineering, and accounting.

“Veterans returning to civilian life have skills that local employers need. This project will help them build upon the many existing talents they gained through time in the armed forces to unlock good jobs in the skilled trades,” Joseph Maloney, Executive Director, Helmets to Hardhats.

This investment falls under initiatives set in the province’s 2020 budget. This includes Ontario’s Skilled Strategy, designed to break the stigma, simplify the system, and encourage employer participation in skilled trades and apprenticeship and the $180.5 million investment to connect workers to industries facing a skills shortage.

More info:

Original news release
Press conference video
Ontario’s Skilled Trades Strategy
Helmets to Hardhats website
