Open-air burn permit suspension lifted in Lincoln

The Town of Lincoln has lifted its suspension on issuing open-air fire permits. Residents must now get a permit for open-air fires.

During the pandemic, municipal offices were closed so the town allowed residents to conduct open air-burning without a permit as long as they followed the appropriate regulations. This is no longer in effect. Permits cost $40 and must be obtained via the town’s online portal.

Farm burn permits on agriculturally zoned lands are free. Permits are valid for the year and expire on Dec. 31 of each year.

Moving the application process online is in the vision of the new Digital Service Delivery Master Plan announced yesterday. Chief Administrative Officer, Michael Kirkopoulos, shared in a release that he believes, “Moving to the new online permitting system will allow our residents to more easily and efficiently apply for a burn permit.”  

Changes have been made to the town’s Open-Air Fire Bylaw. For example, there is a section on tiki torches and candles, which were not permitted under the previous bylaw.

Learn more about the bylaw and changes to it, as well as the online permit process on the Town of Lincoln website.

More info:
Original open-air burn news release
Digital Service Delivery Master Plan article