Stoney Creek Ontario Weather

Stoney Creek weather forecasts and related weather information, including 5-day forecast.

Stoney Creek weather by month

Below you’ll see a table with Stoney Creek weather by month. Includes average temperature highs and lows and average precipitation.

MonthHigh CLow CAverage Rain/Snow
January-1 C-7 C8 days
February0 C-7 C7 days
March5 C-2 C9 days
April11 C3 C8 days
May18 C9 C9 days
June24 C14 C7 days
July27 C18 C7 days
August26 C17 C7 days
September21 C13 C8 days
October14 C7 C8 days
November8 C2 C9 days
December2 C-4 C10 days
Weather averages. Source: NOAA