Niagara Police says Pelham man and 11 more people charged with DUI offenses since July 27

Niagara police car

The Niagara Regional Police Service has reported 12 names of people charged with an alleged criminal impaired driving offence after July 27.

Niagara Police names 7 people charged with DUI offenses in last 2 weeks of July

Niagara DUI charges

The Niagara Regional Police Service has reported 7 names of people charged with an alleged criminal impaired driving offense in the Niagara Region for the period July 20 to July 26, 2020.

Niagara Police names 18 people charged with DUI offenses from July 6 to 19

DUI Niagara

The Niagara Regional Police Service has reported 14 names of people charged with an alleged criminal impaired driving offence in the Niagara Region for the period June 15 to June 28, 2020.