Drive-through food giveaway in Wainfleet meets community need, at a distance

wainfleet food drive Tyler Hibbs (L), Josh Walsh (C), and Diana Slappendel (R) are seen at a drive-through grocery giveaway event put on by Open Arms Mission of Welland at the Wainfleet BIC Church on Jan. 30, 2021. Jordan Snobelen/Metroland

An hour-and-a-half before the food giveaway was scheduled to begin, cars  had already begun to line up at the Wainfleet BIC Church this past  Saturday. 

Open  Arms Mission of Welland, who paired up with the church, had around  1,500 pounds of donated food to giveaway at their first drive-through  event, dubbed a “mobile food pop-up.”

Hilda Czepek directs a lineup of vehicles at a drive-through grocery giveaway event put on by Open Arms Mission of Welland at the Wainfleet BIC Church on Jan. 30, 2021.

Five bags, filled with everything from meat to pantry staples, were placed into trunks to keep interactions contact-free. 

Within half-an-hour, volunteers had to trim the grocery bags down to only  three per car, and another 15 minutes later, everything was gone. 

Compared  to a previous effort last spring by the church to distribute food  across an eight-week period, where few showed up, this giveaway  surprised Trevor Main, one of the church’s pastors who helped out on  Saturday. 

The community’s need has risen “exponentially” since then, Main said. 

Volunteers Diana Slappendel (L) and Tyler Hibbs (R) are seen at a drive-through grocery giveaway event put on by Open Arms Mission of Welland at the Wainfleet BIC Church on Jan. 30, 2021.

Open Arms Mission (O.A.M.) is a “parachurch ministry,” says Josh Walsh, O.A.M.’s highly energized communications director. 

“We really want to be about breaking down barriers and getting away from a traditional food bank,” he said.

Breaking down barriers, for the Mission, involves not qualifying a person for help — no questions are asked.

But people still volunteered their stories through car windows as Walsh  listened, face masked, wearing a black hoodie reading “#weareforwelland”  on the back. 

Unemployed, laid off, jobs lost — so the stories went. 

Walsh said he experienced tear-filled reactions from people thankful for the  help. One woman was recently out of hospital, she told him. In the  vehicle with her were four children. 

“It’s an emotional time,” he said. 

Bags of donated groceries are seen at a drive-through grocery giveaway event put on by Open Arms Mission of Welland at the Wainfleet BIC Church on Jan. 30, 2021.

By 11:45, around 35 vehicles, all with at least two people each, had come and gone. 

As volunteers broke down the numerous boxes from the skids of food, Walsh spoke of the community’s need. 

“Certainly (COVID-19) impacted so many people in different ways.” 

Walsh says the Mission wants to meet people where they’re at — those just trying to live an ordinary life. 

Wanting to offer similar events, the Mission depends on future monetary and food donations. 

A public Facebook post made by Walsh later in the day underscores the need: 

“As the line was coming to an end, we began to run out of food and had to  limit the number of bags we were distributing. The family I was serving  was met with this news. The news was met with much sadness. This was  seen by the clients lined up behind the family. When these clients saw  this they immediately gave their food to the family … Kindness always  wins.” 

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