Grimsby Fire to install 240 carbon monoxide and fire detectors donated by Enbridge Gas

Grimsby firefighters Grimsby firefighters show off fire and carbon monoxide detectors that have been donated as part of an Enbridge safety program.

The Grimsby Fire Department has received 240 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to install in the community from an Enbridge Gas sponsored program called Project Zero.

Project Zero is a public education campaign that provides smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to 35 municipalities across Ontario. It will provide 7,500 alarms this year and has provided more than 50,000 alarms over the past 12 years.  

The 240 alarms received by the Grimsby Fire Department will be installed in private homes in the community by the end of the year. “We going to be distributing them to people who need them – so senior citizens and those with disabilities, that may not be able to change them on their own,” said Grimsby Fire Prevention Officer Jay Mottershead.

He said they will find candidates for the alarms through community organizations, like the Grimsby Benevolent Fund (GBF) and seniors’ centres.

“The distribution of these alarms to residents who are most at risk will help improve the level of home safety within our community,” added acting Fire Chief of Grimsby Fire Department Bill Thomson.

Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms warn residents of potential fire and carbon monoxide exposure, which may help them escape from a dangerous and deadly situation. Especially in the case of carbon monoxide exposure, as the toxic gas is odorless and can be lethal.

“Carbon monoxide is known as the silent killer for a reason, and we have proof that prevention saves lives…alarms are a critical second line of defense to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning,” said Bike Balkanci, Director, GTA West and Niagara Region Operations at Enbridge Gas.

With files from Andy Walker.

Learn More:

Grimsby Fire Department
Enbridge Gas Inc.
