Overcrowded Casablanca Beach parking lot expanded

The town of Grimsby has expanded the Casablanca Beach parking lot on North Service Road to accommodate more visitors and cars for the summer season.

Plans began when Ward 2 Councillor Dave Kadwell expressed concern for the number of cars in the lot at the beach. Casablanca Beach is a popular waterfront recreation area in Grimsby that’s located along the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.

After Kadwell’s initial inquiry, and an email to other town councillors, the Town staff worked to expand the parking area. It used a municipally-owned road allowance and temporary concrete barricades to build out the lot.

Dave Sharpe
Ward 4 Councillor Dave Sharpe

“Within a day or two of Counselor Kadwell’s request, (Town of Grimsby personnel) had filled potholes and added 15 park spots,” Ward 4 Councillor Dave Sharpe told Niagara Info.

In a Facebook post, Sharpe commended the Town for the quick, efficient, and low-cost renovations.

“A shout out and thanks to our acting director of planning Walter Basic, and our Roads department staff. Thank you all for your work at making this happen before the weekend,” wrote Sharpe.

The expansion is a temporary fix, but will be made more permanent as part of a new condominium development along the Grimsby waterfront. That project has yet to be approved.

Grimsby Ward map with Casablanca Beach location

Grimsby ward map with Casablanca Beach location
