Two Lincoln students test positive for COVID-19

Twenty Valley School in Vineland Twenty Valley School in Vineland, Town of Lincoln. Photo credit: Google Maps

Two students at Twenty Valley Public School in Lincoln tested postive for COVID-19 in the last two weeks, according to a provincial government website.

The students are among 10 people in Niagara Region schools that have been counted as new COVID-19 cases by the province.

Niagara Catholic School Board also issued an alert Tuesday evening saying an individual at St. Alfred Catholic Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. It did not report if it was a student or staff member. It said Niagara Public Health has determined that there is no risk of transmission and no contact tracing is required.

The provincial website that tracks cases in schools was updated Tuesday. It shows 10 cases in Niagara schools in the last 14 days, five staff members, and five students. The St. Alfred case was not included. The cases listed are below:

  • Lincoln, Twenty Valley Public School – Two students
  • Welland, l’Ecole Elementaire Catholique Sare-Coeur – One staff member
  • Pelham, Glynn A Green Public School – One student
  • Niagara Falls – Kate S Durdan Public School  – One staff member
  • Niagara Falls, Prince Philip Public School – One staff member
  • Niagara Falls – Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School – One student
  • Niagara Falls, Saint Paul Catholic High School – Two staff members
  • Niagara Falls, St. Michael Catholic High School – One student