Grimsby goes dark Thursday afternoon due to fire

Pole fire in Grimsby Photo credit: Grimsby Power Twitter account

A temporary power outage blacked out downtown Grimsby and area for less than 30 minutes Thursday, for most customers that were affected.

The power went out around 3 p.m. Thursday and a Grimsby Power repair crew was dispatched. It predicted the outage would last one to two hours. At 3:12 pm, it reported the cause of the outage was “a pole fire on Mountain Road.” 

Power service was interrupted for the Downtown Grimsby area and west along Main Street West and Livingston Ave. to Casablanca Dr.

A small number of Grimsby Power customers around the area of the fire were expected to be affected for a longer period up to 4:30 pm during repairs.

The Grimsby Fire Department responded to extinguish the fire.

Power was restore to at 3:22pm to a “majority of customers”, the utility reported.

“Grimsby Power crews have restore the power to everyone in Grimsby except the small area on Mountain Rd between Ridge Rd W and Elm Tree West. Crews are working to restore power. ETR 90 minutes,” said the Grimsby Power Twitter account at 3:31pm.
