New voting procedures set for Pelham byelection

Ward 1 in Pelham Ont Residents of Ward 1 in Pelham go to advanced polls this week to elect a new councillor

The voting process looks very different from previous elections as Ward 1 residents start the process of electing a new councillor in Pelham Thursday.

Voters are casting their vote in a byelection for a new councillor for Ward 1, choosing from seven candidates. The winner of the election will replace Ward 1 Councillor Mike Ciolfi who died in April.

As residents go to the polls, there will be new staff and procedures in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

The Town of Pelham has hired a physical distancing officer to help ensure people maintain proper physical distancing when they vote in the upcoming Ward 1 byelection. There will also be a poll station cleaner and a health assessment officer who will be screening voters before they enter.

Advanced polls open this Thursday. Voters can expect procedural voting changes when they arrive at their polling stations located at Pelham’s Fire Station 2 at 766 Welland Rd. and Fire Station 3 at 2355 Cream St.

Voters must answer health screening questions. They are also required to wear a face covering. Voters who arrive without a mask will be able to get one from the polling stations.

There entrance and exit will be separate from each other to minimize crowding. Pens will be given to voters. They can take them home. Or dispose of them as they leave. Hand sanitizer will also be available.

If you do not pass the COVID-19 screening you will not be permitted to vote in person, however there is proxy voting process available to ensure everyone can vote.

The next advanced polling date is Sept. 12. The bylelection takes place Sept 15.

Learn More:

Byelection and COVID-19 policies on the town of Pelham’s website.
Candidates in the byelection
